Marian headed back to Two Souls to see Cherry, here NZ mom, and get a hug from her as well. Cherry gifted Marian her favorite bottle of wine as a going away present. Marian was excited before she left because Cherry seemed much more business minded than usual, to which Cherry responded, “So you think I am finally becoming more of a Chinese woman?” A sad day of goodbyes with new friends, and packing up our life here In Wellington.

Now we are currently driving to Auckland. We are reflecting on the last seven months. When I asked John what he has gotten out of the trip he says, “I don’t know, I don’t want to answer this on front of the blog.” After a little more prodding and re-phrasing, John says, “Going away every other week, without working.” That was pretty kickass. Marian would like to say that she will miss the sweet ginger ale they have in New Zealand, and not having a million American tourists around. Feeling special, she supposes.
Here is our goodbye to Wendy as she showered us with gifts on our way out of Wellington:

Goodby Wellington!!!

Bye New Zealand! John and Marian Heart New Zealand.
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